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I bet cats and dogs have their own language. Like when a human says "meow" and the cat walks off I bet the cats like "hello" and your like "apples" and the cats like"exscuse me" and your like "goats" and the cats like "do you even speak cat" and your like pizza umbrella paper" and your cat walks off. But when you speak to your dog the dogs like" WOW YOU KNOW SOME WORDS IN DOG! GOOD JOB KEEP WORKING ON IT!!
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Rule #1: don't be #2
hye :) selamat pagi :D
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don't have one, it's probably you.
no matter what goes on PEOPLE are worth more than money -always
roses are red violets are blue I love you I love you I really do when I see blue I think of you your eyes are blue too you told me you loved me I thought you were true but your just cheater you even cheated on me too now when I see blue I wont think of you ill just think of my love who I thought was true
If you give your all to someone who does not do the same, It is not your fault when they get upset for when you stop. Expectation is not being giving. And Being half honest is not being faithful.
Love is to give all you have to one person, knowing full well you may never get anything in return, there are no conditions to true love, You trust first.
Forgiveness is a gift, not an invitation to do the same thing again
If I do not believe you belong around me, I will make sure you never are again, if the door is open I still believe in you....